Captain Volkonogov Escaped

Le Capitaine Volkonogov s'est échappé

Captain Volkonogov Escaped

Points of view 2023
Natalya MERKULOVA and Aleksey CHUPOV

Russia, France, Estonia


USSR, 1938. At the height of the Great Terror, Stalin purges his own ranks. Aware that it is his turn to be condemned, Captain Volkonogov escapes. As he flees, he is struck by a vision: to save his soul, he must confront the families of his victims and receive their forgiveness.

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Tuesday 3 20:15 - 22:30Cinéma La Comète add
DirectionNatalya MERKULOVA and Aleksey CHUPOV
CastYuriy BORISOV, Timofey TRIBUNTSEV and Aleksandr YATSENKO
ScreenplayNatalya MERKULOVA and Aleksey CHUPOV
CinematographerMart TANIEL
EditorFrançois GÉDIGIER
SoundMatis REI
ProductionPlace of Power, Look Film, Homeless Bob Production and Kinovista

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