
WoS and School Children

While images increasingly dominate our everyday lives, the Festival has made it a priority to offer children a moving image literacy education allowing them to understand and to develop the ability to look at the surge of images confronting them with a critical eye.

In addition to numerous screenings to which they are welcome, students also take part in moving image literacy workshops in which they learn the language of cinema. The Festival also provides the schools teachers with professional advice to accompany them in this form of education thereafter.

This commitment to younger audiences and school children, a natural extension of the work of the La Comète movie theater throughout the year, makes it possible to reach growing numbers of students each year. Hence, since the foundation of War on Screen, the attendance of school children has steadily increased, having reached 6,000 young spectators in 2022.


WoS has joined forces with high schools of the Marne department to give students the opportunity to actively get involved in the Festival by being members of the High School Jury. Assisted by a professional, the 11 jurors try their hands at reviewing films, debating, argumenting, all the while discovering the human experience that being a member of a jury entails. The High School Jurors watch the entire Short Films International Competition programme, before deliberating and awarding the High School Prize for Best Short Film.

High School Jury 2022

The Pierre Bayen High School, a partner of the Festival since its creation, has opened an optional Film module for its students in Year 11 and 12, with the support of the Festival and the La Comète Film Department. Starting in 2020, the Pierre Bayen High School now also offers a Special subject module in Film. 


Thanks to the support of the La Marne Department, WoS is developing its activities for La Marne secondary school students. With a special group rate of 2€, these students will take part in educational workshops created specifically for them as well as the International Short Film Competition. These activities help to strengthen the growing participation of young people in the WoS festival.


The Cordées de la Réussite educational project aims to boost access for young people to higher education, irrespective of their socio-cultural background, by joining forces with, amongst others, the grandes écoles. At the Reims Academy, the Reims Sciences Po Campus student association Des Pistes pour la Réussite represents this national programme. The War on Screen Festival is the proud partner of this association, where every year secondary school classes are tutored by Sciences Po students and discover the life of a festival and its programme. 


This project, jointly developed by the Festival and the Marne region’s National Education Department, aims to make the cinema better known through the Festival’s young audience film programme, with a screening and workshop held for three classes from the Chalonnais region.

For more information on the Young Audience programme (screenings and workshops), feel free to contact us:

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